The Bvb Insitus was founded in 1949 as a manufacturer of knives for agriculture and specializes in the construction of all types of blades concerning grafting techniques for fruit and non-fruit plants.
With the passage of time, given the need for more and more production, the company Bvb Insitus has equipped the first mechanical machines for grinding their blades. After that, the company started to have the first requests for roughing on behalf of third parties and became increasingly specialized in this sector.
To keep up with the increasingly specific needs of customers, the company has equipped itself with increasingly modern machines such as tangential grinding and with cup wheels, up to 1999 with the purchase of the first CNC grinder.
Blades for switchblade, pocket, etc.
Blades for switchblade, pocket, etc.
Project conceived by the NIP Consortium
Via Venezia, 18/d 33085 – Maniago (PN)
Phone: (+39) 0427 71500 Fax: (+39) 0427 733247 E-mail: info@consorzionip.it Pec: nipmaniago@pec.it
Fiscal code: 81000550939 VAT identification number: 00192800936
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