Lab Met


LAB.MET, is the only ISO 17025 accredited Third Party Laboratory in the mechanical sector of the province of Pordenone, the Accreditation guarantees the independence, the instrumental equipment and the technical competence of the staff.
The laboratory is equipped with the following departments: Chemical analysis laboratory, Mechanical testing laboratory, Metallographic laboratory, Corrosion testing laboratory, Creep testing laboratory, Mechanical workshop for the realization of test tests, Department for simulated heat treatments



Chemical analysis laboratory

The composition of the test material is determined by chemical analysis. The chemical composition of a metal alloy is the starting point for a correct classification of the material itself.
Several are the investigation techniques used: quantometric chemical analysis by solid means by the Optical Emission Spectrometry (EOS) technique, wet analysis by Plasma Emission Spectrometry (ICP), determination of gases such as C, S, O, N, H, through the use of determiners.

Mechanical testing laboratory

Tensile tests are carried out at room or hot temperature, impact tests (resilience) at different temperatures, hardness and microhardness tests, bend, bending and compression tests, creep and stress rupture tests. All auditions are made in our workshop.
Mechanical tests are used for the correct and complete classification of materials and to investigate the correct execution of production processes, heat treatments, control and verification of welds, welding processes and qualification of welders, brazers and welding operators.

Metallographic laboratory

Metallographic investigations allow to determine the physical structure of metals; on several levels of investigation (macrographic or micrographic) and with several techniques combined with each other, the size and shape of the crystals is highlighted, of the grains, the distribution of the phases, the level of purity and the possible presence of contaminant present in the material, the type of heat treatment undergone, the direction of the slip or flow lines in the case of samples deformed plastic, hot, etc, the thickness measurement in the case of coatings.
They are also used for the characterization and study of welds, or for the certification of processes and personnel (welders, brazers, welding operators).

Corrosion testing laboratory

Metal samples with or without coating are tested for corrosion by physical simulation of highly corrosive environments in order to obtain “corrosion resistance” information. The tests highlight the differences that different materials, processes, treatments and coatings have on the development of corrosion on the surface of the tested materials.
The specifications and demands of these tests are, nowadays, increasingly present in the specifications of major players in sectors such as automotive, naval, small/medium/heavy carpentry, the white, furniture and household appliances, components and precision mechanics, valves, pump bodies, etc.

Mechanical workshop for the production of test samples

LAB.MET has an internal workshop equipped for the preparation of Conto Terzi auditions, guaranteeing cost savings and sample production times.

The experience on such a wide diversity of materials treated during the testing activities, has led to the development of the Mechanical Machining section that now provides both the departments of the Laboratory and the Client who expresses request.

Simulated Thermal Treatments

LAB.MET carries out TT Experimental Thermal Treatments within its facilities to support the Laboratory activity or on request for specific activities of the Client.
The METAL SERVICES Group also performs cryogenic treatments.
Heat treatment at very low temperatures has become increasingly topical as a tool to improve the structural characteristics of steels used in cutting tools and other parts that require high dimensional stability.

Residual austenite by difractometric method

X-ray diffractometry is the main method for determining the content of residual austenite, and LAB.MET is the first in Italy and Europe to have achieved the accreditation of the method.

The increase in carbon content leads to lower temperatures Ms (martensite start) and MF (martensite finish) favoring, in the hardening phase, an incomplete transformation of austenite into martensite. Even the high content of certain alloying elements can lead to stabilization of austenite and lowering of MS and MF.


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    Via Venezia, 22 33085 Maniago (PN)

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    Nominal capital: 100.000,00 Euro

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